We foster participation and give visibility to the wildfire community.
We give our community visibility and support
The Pau Costa Foundation wants to generate participation and give the wildfire community visibility. Particularly, to the members of the Foundation, through the opportunities we offer them. To this end, in 2022 we have continued to facilitate the participation of our community in events and training and awareness-raising actions at the local, national and international level. Likewise, we have given our community visibility on our dissemination channels, and through their participation in the media.
The Foundation also wants to support and give visibility to vulnerable and minority groups in the field of wildfires. Particularly, in 2022, we have continued giving support and visibility to women who work in the field of wildfires.
Opportunities for PCF members
We facilitate the participation of our members in national and international courses, conferences, awareness-raising activities and events in general. Thus, we enhance their professional career and, in turn, they help us spread the Foundation’s narrative and represent us in different forums.
Workshop on Analysis of Wildfire Behaviour
Participation as a speaker in this Conference, focused on showing the different methodologies used to analyse the behaviour and potential of wildfires, and on the development of tactics, strategies and the forecast of future scenarios.
Participants: Martín Alcahud and Domingo Calderón
Registrations for the “Fire&Climate Conference“
Payment of one in-person registration for the “Fire and Climate Conference” (travel and accommodation expenses not included) and one online registration.
Participants: vacant
Wildfire Course
Instructor vacancy for a basic wildfire course.
Participants: José Luis Morcillo
4th RESPOND-A Training Session
Opportunity for two members to participate as end users in the fourth training session of the RESPOND-A project.
Participants: Pedro Buldón and Aleix Ríos
Advisory Council for a European Wildfire Management Strategy
The Pau Costa Foundation was invited to be part of the advisory board of a European wildfire management strategy, and offers its members to represent the PCF on this board.
Participants: vacant
“Fire Ecology Across Boundaries” Conference
The Pau Costa Foundation covered five online registrations for this conference.
Participants: Andrea Duane and Tiziana Manca
SAFERS Project Pilot Test
Opportunity to participate in the first pilot test of the SAFERS project as an end user of the developed technologies.
Participants: vacant
Participation in the 2nd RESPOND-A’s Pilot Test
Opportunity for two members to participate as end users in the second pilot test of the RESPOND-A project.
Participants: Pedro Buldón and Aleix Ríos
Recontres Nationales du Reseau Emploi Integre Du Feu (EIF)
The Pau Costa Foundation offered the opportunity to participate in “Rencontres Nationales du Reseau Emploi Integre du Feu (EIF)”, after a historic season of large fires in France and throughout Europe.
Participants: vacant
¡Te invitamos al cine!
Possibility of attending one of the sessions of the “SUNCINE Environmental International Film Festival.”
Participants: vacant
Participation in the “Congreso Internacional sobre Prevención, Modelo forestal y Usos del suelo”
Opportunity to deliver a presentation on the consequences caused by the binomial “Rural depopulation and climate change as fuel for fires.”
Participants: Virginia Carracedo
In 2022, we brought together PCF members in La Bisbal del Penedès (Tarragona), in order to explain the activity of the Foundation, its objectives and to generate proposals in the different areas of the foundation (training , projects, resilient landscapes, communication and education) for the preparation of the 2023-2025 Strategic Plan.
Caffè Sospeso
Series of online interviews with members of the Foundation. The objective of these interviews, live and later available on the PCF’s YouTube channel, is to make visible the work carried out by our members and to highlight their activity in the field of wildfires. This way, we give social projection to the different professional sectors in this field.
Gender and Fire
The Pau Costa Foundation has established a working group to make visible and provide solutions to gender inequality and the shortage of women in the wildfire sector. This is a group made up of members of the Foundation who periodically share information, reflections and debate on issues that subsequently lead to a communicative action or project to be developed.
We are aware that giving visibility to women who work in the field of wildfires worldwide is a first step to value their work and to serve as an example to future generations of women.
In 2022 we dedicated the week of March 8 to expanding the Map of Women in Wildfire that we created in 2021. In this map we collect the testimony of women who work in different sectors, to learn first-hand about the work they do, their experiences and their vision of the role and presence of women in a strongly masculinized environment. In addition, we carried out a campaign to share these testimonies on social media, and we organized a seminar within the framework of the Caffè Sospeso interview series (“Being her in a world of theirs”, Anna Tortosa).
Additionally, we carried out a campaign on social media to share women’s testimonies that where collected on the map during 2022.